A division of Brisson & Leis

Emergency & Urgent Eye Care


We Are Here to Serve You

If you need urgent eye care (loss of vision, double vision, distortion to vision, ocular pain, photosensitivity, or other visual symptoms) during office hours, please contact the office at 519-822-2710 immediately. We reserve two urgent care appointments each day for same-day assessment.

Please, contact us for help.

Common Eye Emergencies

Some of the most common eye emergencies include:

  • A foreign object is in your eye
  • Sudden vision loss
  • Trauma to your eye
  • Sudden pain in or around your eye
  • Sudden flashes and floaters
  • Sudden distortion of vision

Although breaking your glasses may not be an eye emergency, we will do our best to see you as soon as possible, so that you can get a new pair. We also have a limited selection of loaner glasses you can use while you wait for yours to be repaired or replaced. We always recommend having a spare pair of glasses to prevent such emergencies.

First Aid

For all eye emergencies, please call us right away or visit your nearest emergency room. To help manage the emergency, please follow these simple first aid procedures:

  • For chemical exposure, wash out your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes with cool, clean water.
  • For blunt trauma, place a cold compress over your eye.
  • For any punctures, tears, or scratches, do not touch the area and instead cover it with an eye shield.

Visit Us Today

Our office is conveniently located on College Ave West, right next door to the Guelph Campus Co-operative, and across the street from OVC Small Animal Clinic. We offer plenty of parking right in front of our clinic. To enter our parking lot, turn on to Borden St. and drive behind our building. You can then easily circle in front of the clinic to park!

Our Address

21 College Ave West
Guelph, Ontario N1G 1R7

Contact Information

Phone: (519) 822-2710
Fax: (519) 822-7877
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Our Services


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