A division of Brisson & Leis

Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management in Guelph


Don’t Be Caught Off Guard By Eye Diseases

A concerning fact about several eye diseases is that they can develop slowly over years without showing any obvious symptoms. Then, before you even know anything is wrong, you’ve lost vision.

Every single comprehensive eye exam at Clarity Optometry includes an examination of your ocular health. Regular visits give your optometrist the chance to detect diseases in their earliest stages before permanent damage to your eyes has occurred.

So don’t wait! Take a proactive approach to your eye health. Book an eye exam with us today.

Common Eye Diseases & Conditions

Glaucoma has earned the nickname “the silent thief of sight” because it can develop slowly over time, without showing any initial symptoms.

It is a disease that is characterized by progressive damage to the optic nerve resulting in the loss of peripheral vision initially, followed by a reduction in central vision.

The most common forms of glaucoma are:

  • Open-angle glaucoma: Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma and can cause considerable damage to your optic nerves before symptoms start to occur. Open-angle glaucoma develops when either too much fluid (aqueous humor) is produced in the anterior portion of the eye or not enough fluid is drained. This results in increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which causes damage to your optic nerve and vision loss. Our optometrists detect open-angle glaucoma during a comprehensive eye exam by using tonometry to measure your IOP and by observing your optic nerve.
  • Closed-angle glaucoma: Closed-angle glaucoma, also known as angle-closure glaucoma, is less common than its open-angle counterpart, but can be much more severe. This condition forms when the drainage angle between the iris and cornea closes, causing IOP levels to rise rapidly, leading to sudden eye pain, headaches, nausea, vomiting or even loss of vision. Closed-angle glaucoma is considered to be a medical emergency and needs immediate treatment.
  • Another form of glaucoma, known as normal-tension glaucoma, can develop without raising IOP levels. It can also be detected during a comprehensive eye exam by observing your optic nerve.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is an eye disease that can damage the macula, the part of the retina responsible for central vision. The risk of developing this disease typically increases with age. Also, smoking, diabetes, and poor diet can all increase your risk of developing AMD.

There are two types of this disease:

  • Dry AMD: Dry AMD is the most common form of the disease and is associated with ageing. As you grow older, small deposits called drusen form under the central part of the retina called the macula causing the vision to slowly deteriorate.
  • Wet AMD: Wet AMD is not nearly as common as dry AMD, but it can be far more severe. When you have wet AMD, abnormal blood vessels can form in the retina. These blood vessels can break and leak fluids into the macula, severely damaging your central vision. Wet AMD can occur quite suddenly and is considered to be a medical emergency. Call our office immediately if you have a sudden loss of vision.

Diabetes can affect many different aspects of your life, including your eye health. Diabetic retinopathy develops when high blood sugar damages the blood vessels located in the retina. The eye then attempts to compensate for this lack of blood by growing new vessels to help nourish the eye, but these vessels are delicate and can break easily. When these fragile vessels break, they can leak blood into your retina.

Diabetic macular edema (DME) results from fluid and blood accumulation in the macula causing it to swell. Retinal damage from diabetic retinopathy and DME can result in permanent vision loss.

Cataracts are a widespread eye condition that develop as you age. As you grow older, the lenses in your eyes become less flexible, denser, and less transparent. Over time, these changes can affect the quality of your vision.

While vision loss caused by cataracts can be corrected using glasses, contact lenses, magnifying aids, or anti-glare glasses, the only permanent solution to treat cataracts is with cataract surgery.

Conjunctivitis, usually known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the white of the eye, normally associated with redness, itchiness, irritation, or dryness. Some patients may experience discharge.

There are a few common types of conjunctivitis:

  • Allergic conjunctivitis: You can develop this form of conjunctivitis if you have an allergy to pet hair, pollen, dander, or dust. Eye drops and allergy medications can usually help you manage your symptoms. Please speak to our doctors before you use any over-the-counter products.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis: Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by a bacterial infection. Antibiotics are required to treat the infection and can be prescribed by your optometrist. This type of conjunctivitis is contagious, so please stay home from work or school until your symptoms have completely subsided.
  • Viral conjunctivitis: Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious, but like the common cold, there is no treatment. The management of viral conjunctivitis is supportive and may include artificial tears to help alleviate symptoms. Since it spreads quickly and easily, you should avoid public spaces until your symptoms have completely subsided.

See your optometrist to determine the cause of your symptoms.

Visit Us Today

Our office is conveniently located on College Ave West, right next door to the Guelph Campus Co-operative, and across the street from OVC Small Animal Clinic. We offer plenty of parking right in front of our clinic. To enter our parking lot, turn on to Borden St. and drive behind our building. You can then easily circle in front of the clinic to park!

Our Address

21 College Ave West
Guelph, Ontario N1G 1R7

Contact Information

Phone: (519) 822-2710
Fax: (519) 822-7877
8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
8:00 AM – 7:30 PM
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
8:00 AM – 5:30 PM
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM

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